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Minutes of Meeting 02 May 2024

16:00 at Albyns Depot


  1. Attendance/Apologies

Present: Jeff Stafford (JS), Raymond Randall (RR), Liz Hawthorn (LH), Sheila Clarke (SN), Brian Breeze (BB), Kaitlyn Miller (KM) EWT volunteer, Kate Tyler (KT) EWT Ingrebourne Nature Discovery Centre, Deputy Manager, Richard Smith (RS) local historian, Troy Tyler (TT) Hornchurch Revival, Eddy Tyler (ET) Hornchurch Revival.

Apologies for absence: Stephanie Nunn (SN), Richard Cottam (RC) LBH Parks Officer

Other Abbreviations: Ranger Mick Greenslade (MG), Dave Bender (DB)


  1. Minutes of previous meeting – Minutes of previous meeting (4 April 2024) agreed.


  1. Matters Arising

  • Wildflower Meadow – RC has not yet given MG the wildflower seeds for the meadow around the roundel. RC will let us know when the meadow is to be sown.

  • Fishing Club – LH contacted the Fishing Club at Albyns Lake who confirmed they are seeing bats flying low over the lake at night. These are believed to be Daubenton’s Bats.

  • Dawn Chorus Walk – will be delayed until Sunday 12th or 19th May.


  1. Chair/Vice Chair Reports – Nothing to report


  1. Secretary’s Report – nothing to report.


  1. Finance Report

Balance held £7,440.66

£951.88 is reserved under Capital Grants

£4,590.50 is reserved under Groundwork Cycling Grant (£409.50 has been spent)


Balance of unrestricted funds £1,898.28


SC needs someone to audit the accounts before the AGM as the person who usually audits them is unable to do so this year. There is no panic as AGM is not due until October.


  1. Park Officer’s Report – None received.


  1. Events

BW advised that EWT are considering holding a small Farmers Market type event, possibly in September, and would be happy for the Friends Group to hold a Dog Show on the event field at the same time. LH will work with BW and KT on risk assessment and application for LBH.

The Dogs Trust is in the Nature Discovery Centre every Thursday.

Dawn Chorus Walk – see Matters Arising above.


  1. Cycling

  • Cycle maintenance events are going well; JS is considering providing lunch for advanced courses.

  • Mayors Charity Bike Ride went ahead. 10 took part (it should have been 20 but it was pouring with rain, however, they had paid in advance).


  1. Work Parties – Nothing to report.


  1. Web site and Communications – Nothing to report.


  1. AOB

  • TT and ET (Hornchurch Revival) advised that they want to excavate and uncover artefacts from WW2 remaining in the park and hope to obtain funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The Friends Group agreed to support them and suggested they need to put a detailed proposal together first. TT and ET to contact RR regarding meeting with RC once proposal is prepared.

  • Memory booth in the centre has been reorganised and is now fully accessable.


Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 6th June 2024, 4pm at Albyns Depot.

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