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Minutes of Meeting 07 March 2024

16:00 via Zoom


1.   Attendance/Apologies.

Present: Jeff Stafford (JS), Raymond Randall (RR), Liz Hawthorn (LH), Kaitlyn Miller (KM),

Richard Cottam (RC)

Apologies for absence: Kate Tyler (KT), Jackie Whitelock (JW)


2.   Minutes of previous meeting. – Minutes of previous meeting (1 February 2024) agreed.


3.   Matters Arising.

  • RAF flag – could one be flown from the Green Flag pole in addition to the Green Flag?

RC investigated and found that flying 2 flags from the pole is not recommended due to the increased effects of the wind and may lead to requests for other flags to be flown.

  • Wildflower Meadow – will be sown towards the end of April. RC will provide date when known.

  • Dawn Chorus Walk – if done as unofficial and unpaid for, will not be classed as an event.

  • Peri Track – Ranger, Mick Greenslade, doesn’t think that weeds and grass growing on the Peri Track should pulled up as this is likely to damage the remaining track. He believes he can justify the use of herbicides, with adequate precautions to stop it spreading or dogs going onto it, to protect the artefact.

  • Step by Iron Bridge – there are now deep steps on both sides of the iron bridge. It was decided that there is now too much work needed for the Friends Group to undertake.


4.   Chair/Vice Chair Reports.

Chair – The Friends Groups Meeting was well attended and crowded. It was reported that the company locking/unlocking park gates were not proving reliable and parks were often left unlocked. Not all Friends Groups are official or recognised but those who aren’t don’t receive benefits such as getting insurance money refunded and not being charged to hold events in the park. There was talk about tennis courts in parks but this does not affect HCP. Excess deer numbers in Dagnam Park, Harold Hill was discussed - which is a very controversial subject as culling has been suggested but many do not approve. It is believed that some deer deaths are due to starvation.

Kieran White has arranged a 6 mile walk, on behalf of MIND, on Sunday 24 March around HCP and Harrow Lodge Park.

Vice Chair – RR, LH and Dave Bender will be attending a Thames21 Leading Action for Healthy Rivers training course on 18th and 19th March. If accredited, after assessment, the Friends Group will be covered by Thames21 insurance for work in/by the river, provided the necessary information has been supplied to them in advance and at least one of the accredited persons is in attendance.


5.   Secretary’s Report. – nothing to report.


6.   Finance Report.

Balance held £7,850.16

This includes £5,000 Groundwork cycling grant

£951.88 is reserved under Capital Grants

Balance of unrestricted funds £1,898.28

(This includes £157 for repayment of insurance received from LBH on 12th Feb. and £4.25 from SN for Flora and Fauna booklet.)


SC to investigate the possibility of setting up our account to do bank transfers (BACS).


7.   Park Officer’s Report.

  • Proposal to charge for parking in parks has been scrapped for now.

  • Graffiti on the Covid Memorial will be removed, unfortunately marker pen was used which is difficult to remove.

  • Restructure is still being talked about and no details are known yet. There will definitely be a restructure this calendar year.


8.   Events. – see Matters arising, Dawn Chorus Walk.


9.   Cycling.

  • Mayors Charity cycling event is on Sunday 28th April, starting at 10am. SN will have a small stall at the start and LH and RR a Friends stall.

  • Cycle maintenance events will be once a month for 6 months.


10.  Work Parties. – The chicane is covered in mud but needs to dry out before clearing.


11.  Web site and Communications. – Awaiting response from Facebook.

12.  AOB.

  • KT advised that dogs are going under the fence onto the SSI site and disturbing nesting birds. RC will ask MG to check and repair holes in fence line.

  • KT asked what EWT should advise members of the public reporting injured wildlife should do.

If the animal has been caught it should be taken to South Essex Wildlife Hospital or RSPCA contacted. If it is not caught, but is capable of being caught, LH and RR are willing to help.

  • KT enquired who accidents and incidents in the park should be reported to.

RC confirmed they should be reported to him. If the accident/incident is at a EWT event or on EWT property they should be reported to their head office as well.


Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 4th April 2024 at 4pm. Venue/Zoom to be confirmed.

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