Minutes of Meeting 07 December 2023
16:00 via Zoom
1. Attendance/Apologies
Present: Jeff Stafford (JS), Sheila Clarke (SC), Kate Tyler (KT), Liz Hawthorn (LH), Richard Cottam (RC) LBH Parks, Brian Breeze (BB) – via phone
Apologies for absence: Raymond Randall (RR), Stephanie Nunn (SN)
2. Minutes of previous meeting - Minutes of the previous meeting (7 September 2023) and AGM (8 October 2023) agreed.
3. Matters Arising
JS has still not heard from Becky Gibson as to whether they wanted us to email volunteers and if they need surveys on the River Ingrebourne. This matter has now been dropped.
EWT are selling the Flora and Fauna Booklet for £4.25
JS has received a grant from Groundwork for £5,000 for bike maintenance courses and led bike rides.
Thames21training course for River Clearance in October was fully booked. No future courses are being advertised.
RR has obtained a card reader for Group use. Only cost is a small percentage of income.
Step by iron bridge is getting deeper. RC will ask Mick to chase.
Facebook page not discussed at AGM. RR to investigate.
From AGM – can a RAF flag be flown from the Green Flag pole? RC will check.
4. Chair/Vice Chairs reports – nothing to report.
5. Secretary’s Report – LH has been in touch with Gina Must (Green Streets) as they are interested in doing river clearance, Himalayan Balsam removal and planting native wild plants by the Ingrebourne and other local rivers. She has been trained by Thames21 so is covered by their insurance. They have some of their own equipment and agree it would be good to work together.
There is a pre-planning meeting this evening, 7 December 2023, during which LBH’s Strategic Planning Committee will see a presentation from Brett Aggregates about the proposal for a new quarry next to Hornchurch Country Park. Interested parties should wait until any planning application is received before making submissions.
6. Finance Report
Balance held £2,697.73
£951.88 is reserved under Capital grants.
Balance of unrestricted funds £1,745.85
This includes £75 from EWT for 30 Flora and Fauna booklets.
RR to send copy of EWT invoice for booklets to SC.
Committee members (and Dave Bender) who have booklets should pay £4.25 per booklet directly into the Groups bank account. Use title Nature Booklet and their name. JS will contact DB and JW regarding this.
7. Park Officer’s Report
Mick Greenslade will be raising the ground levels of the bird feeding spots around Albyns Lake to lessen puddles.
There is no news yet on paying for parking in parks. Any news will be given after the public consultation.
8. Events – EWT would like to do dog shows etc. with us. 6 weeks’ notice is required for events.
9. Cycling – See matters arising.
10. Work Parties – The work suggested at Septembers’ meeting: Cut back path down to outlet behind play area; Cut back vegetation blocking view from viewing area vegetation; Fencing to iron bridge is damaged and in a dangerous condition. - has all been completed, not by us.
No further suggestions.
11. Website and communications
Website is kept up to date with meeting and AGM minutes.
12. Other Business - none
Date of Next Meeting – 1 February 2024 via Zoom