Minutes of Meeting 06 April 2023
16:00 via Zoom
1. Jeff Stafford (JS), Raymond Randall (RR), Sheila Clarke (SC), Brian Breeze (BB), Liz Hawthorn (LH), Richard Cottam (RC) LBH Parks
Apologies for absence: None
2. Minutes of previous meeting - Minutes of the previous meeting (2 March 2023) agreed
3. Matters Arising
Insurance Money – Money from LBH to cover last year’s insurance has not yet been received. RC has chased and will do so again.
Nature Booklet – Not yet ordered as a few alterations need to be made. RR will progress and order 200 copies.
4. Chair/Vice Chairs reports – Nothing that is not covered in Agenda.
5. Secretary’s Report – Nothing to report.
6. Finance Report (no change since last month).
Balance held £2,919.51 (BB has been reimbursed for plaque).
£1,321.88 is reserved under Capital grants.
Balance of unrestricted funds £1,597.63
7. Park Officer’s Report
Dipping platform at Albyns Lake has been removed as was in a dangerous condition. It is unlikely to be replaced.
Play area works will start end of April/beginning of May and will last 2 – 3 weeks. The Zip wire will be removed and 3 – 4 new items installed.
New Enforcement Team is expected to start June/July and will deal with matters such as ASB, fly-tipping and dog fouling.
Fishing – a rod licence is needed to fish at Albyns Lake but there is no requirement to pay to fish there at the moment. No overnight fishing or fire are allowed
8. Nature Booklet – Nothing has been heard from either Jonathon or Kate at EWT regarding this but EWT are known to be rather bureaucratic and take some time making decisions.
9. Events and Cycling
Interest in the 12 mile Bike Ride on 16 April 2023 has been very slow but will still go ahead. JS will display posters and contact the Romford Recorder on-line to increase publicity/interest.
10. Work Parties –
The blockage in the river was cleared on Saturday 4 March (the day before we were planning to do it) by men affiliated to Hornchurch Country Park Life, although it was off their own backs and not on behalf of that group. We have since contacted Phil Mann, who set up the group on Facebook as a photographic platform for the park, and David Morrison, who organised the work. We thanked them for their good work and agreed to work more closely in the future. Several members of the Friends have joined Hornchurch Country Park Life on Facebook.
8 people attended the work party on Wednesday 22 March 2023 and helped Mick Greenslade to clear vegetation from some of the banks in the Epen. Great care was taken not to disturb any nesting birds.
More work is needed on the Epen banks and another work party is planned for 12 April.
It was suggested that Green Street volunteers, who have a Facebook page, may be able to offer help.
Bridge Lips – Mick Greenslade has done some work to the lip by the bridge near Hacton Lane.
11. Web page - up to date.
12. Other Business – SC will investigate getting the accounts audited and let us know. Aim for AGM in June/July. Date to be confirmed.
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 04 May 2023 at 4pm at Albyns Depot.